Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mud Mud Everywhere

I had my first work week at the city this past week. It was a short one, three days. I got my first EDO this Friday. I also got a check on Wednesday. A Surprise since I'd only been there one day. I double checked to make sure they hadn't made a mistake. It was just a shock to see a descent size paycheck again. Man I missed that. Aside from a different style of mouse and keyboard I am jumping right into things. Also AutoCad 2007 is a little different version than I'm used to.

The house

I got the all the plumbing wrapped up Friday and put all the drywall up. I finished the first coat of mud tonight and hope to get another on tomorrow. Things aren't going as quickly as I planned, but still moving forward. The new windows arrived today and they look sharp. Now they just need to be installed. Sigh, the list seems to go on and on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I understand how this bathroom fits into the grand scheme of things! (A picture is worth a thousand words!)Thanks.


11:26 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify....

That's Mother Merle. :)

11:27 a.m.  

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