Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Ready for Retirement

This week has not been going to well, work wise. I've been frustrated and have recently, today, applied for a 12 month position with the city of Saskatoon. I quickly updated my resume as the closing time was 5:00 pm today. I'm not sure if I have a shot at this, asking for 5 years experience and able to supervise others, but you can't get a job without applying. Not that I can't supervise (am currently doing it at work) but If I had the choice, I rather not. Things just don't seem to be moving forward at the City of Moose Jaw. Funny though, after hoping friends of ours wouldn't move to Saskatoon, here I am contemplating the move myself.

I've also been working at a banner design to be put all downtown. This is exciting, my "Art" could be displayed on the light poles down Main. Hmm, maybe next I should paint a mural.

Now you think having one job is enough, but not for me. I also have a couple drafting jobs on the go. One of them I've named "The Fire Escape From Hell". (I guess that's better than "Fire Escape to Hell") The owner has been pushing and pushing for this to be done. I don't like to be pushed, plus I'm working with an Engineer, so it's not like we live together. We have to meet, and I was on holidays, and he was as well.

I've settled into the house sitting thing. Dog is having fun, but If I owned a dog, I'd like for it to have free reign over the backyard. Kevin and Stacey haven't gotten the fence up yet, but I'm sure it's on the to do list. I'm looking forward to taking him out to the lake again this weekend.

Marsha's family is down this week for a visit. We are having them out to the lake Saturday for the day of relaxing and water enjoyment. Although, Buffalo Pound is not clean compared to other lakes, like ones in BC, its a time for relaxing and getting to know each other. This weekend is when the parents will meet for the first time. My parents, or should I say dad, knows relatives of Marsha's as he is a teacher as are (or were) 3 of the Hagerty family. Now to some of you this may be a surprise that my dad knows SOME people. Ya right, I think he knows 3/4 of this town. Come to think of it, I've run into lots of people I know and Marsha has commented the I know everyone in Moose Jaw. Like father like son.


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